Breaking Down Barriers: Britain Plans to Ease Rules for Foreign Workers to Address Labour Shortage

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The United Kingdom’s labour shortage has been a significant concern in recent months, particularly for industries that rely heavily on migrant workers. In response, the government has announced plans to ease its foreign worker rules in an attempt to fill the labour gap. 

The plan involves expanding the list of eligible occupations for a visa and reducing the salary threshold for workers. This will allow workers in industries such as hospitality, retail and social care to apply for a visa and work in the UK. The government hopes that these changes will help to address the decline in EU workers, reduce the effect of the pandemic and adapt to changes in consumer behaviour. 

While some have welcomed the move, others have expressed concern about the potential for exploitation of workers and displacement of UK workers. The government has stated that it will enforce minimum wage laws and prevent the exploitation of vulnerable workers. 

It is clear that the UK’s labour shortage must be addressed in some way, and the government’s plan is a step towards this. However, it is important that the government ensures the plan is implemented in a fair and sustainable way. This includes making sure that wages are fair and workers are not exploited. 

Moreover, there is a need for the government to address the root causes of the labour shortage, such as improving working conditions, wages and training opportunities for UK workers. By doing so, the government can help to create a sustainable and fair labour market that benefits both workers and employers. 


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is for general guidance only and aims to provide general information on a relevant topic in a concise form. This article should not be regarded as legal advice in relation to a particular circumstance. Action should never be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.

This post was written by Kiri Thompson who is a HR & Employment Law Specialist from our legal partner rradar. If you need further assistance and individual guidance, please email our team: