Our latest blog is written by our Health and Safety partner, MD Safety Management.

Seat belts
As an Employer, you will often require your staff to drive as part of their job requirements for you. As a result, you will be responsible for the “provision and use” of these vehicles whether they are:
- Provided by you directed (company-owned);
- Provided by you (hired, leased); or
- Provided by Employees.
There is a new law expected later this year regarding seatbelts. Currently, a failure for a driver to wear a seatbelt carries a fine of up to £500. Drivers also must ensure passengers wear a belt and any passengers under 13 (and over 135cm tall) wear a belt or are in an appropriate car seat.
The new law is set to introduce adding 3 points to your license for this offence which may also result in a ban. This law is being applied as compliance is beginning to drop since the original seat belt law was introduced nearly 40 years ago:
In 2016, 25% of road deaths involved a vehicle occupant not wearing a belt.
- In 2018, this figure rose to 31% and saw as many as 261 people killed on the road while not wearing a belt.
- Wearing rates fall at night too as drivers know it’s more difficult for the police to spot whether someone is wearing a belt or not.
- The age group most likely not to wear a belt are between 17-24.
Work-Related Road Risk
Every year there are about 40,000 people will be involved in a work-related road traffic accident which results in reported injuries, and countless others will suffer stress, anxiety and/or minor injuries from unreported incidents.
Every week there are approximately 200 deaths and serious injuries involving people using the road for work. This excludes commuting to a permanent place of work but includes driving vehicles of any type on the road to travel to/between other work locations or to make collections/deliveries, whether this be on a regular or occasional basis.
These issues need to be reflected in your Vehicle Safety Management System. You will already be aware of the requirement to establish a comprehensive Vehicle Safety Policy to outline the duties and responsibilities for all of the arrangements around the provision and use of such vehicles.
Your policy should also cover a myriad of arrangements not limited to checking if a vehicle is taxed, checking MOT history, managing mobile phone use, managing Insurances (either Company or Individual), etc. Expect a suitable Policy to run to about 30 pages.
MD Safety Management Ltd, on an almost daily basis, updates their News Website with events from all over the UK such as:
Accidents and incidents
Current court cases
Prosecutions and sentencing
Legislation updates
Industry best practices
The news articles and clippings, curated by MD Safety, highlight the requirements for compliance with UK Health and Safety Legislation and best practice across all industry sectors.
The majority of the information and cases will apply to a greater or lesser degree to the surveying industry and lessons to be learned will be able to be gained.
If you have any questions regarding Health & Safety in your workplace, contact MD Safety Management and let them know you are a Forum member.
MD Safety Management Limited
Suite 120C, Cotton Exchange, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9LQ
Tel: (0844) 335 1499
Email: info@mdsm.org.uk
Web: www.mdsm.org.uk