Over the last 15 years, BSA Buying Group has supported FPB Members as a key member benefit – helping to boost cash flow, save money and time.
Its cost audit is completely free for Forum Members, as the pre-vetted suppliers pay a fee for the privilege of being on BSA Buying Group’s supplier framework.
BSA can deliver better value for money thanks to its buying power and expertise across a dozen cost categories. So even if your company has recently reviewed your running costs, it’s worth involving BSA as you could be pleasantly surprised by what additional savings they can uncover.
They have hundreds of case studies, here are just a few recent examples:
A food manufacturer/distributor in Essex has just saved 21% off its telecom bills. And service levels will also now improve thanks to BSA’s careful selection and monitoring of ongoing supplier service levels.
A small legal firm in West Midlands has just saved 72% off their annual electricity costs, representing £2,000.
A café in Preston saved 25% off its merchant card payment fees.
An internet service provider has just reclaimed £110,000 Corporation Tax from HMRC through working with our GDPR Tax Credit specialist partner. This is an innovative new tax reclaim with over 100 clients now benefiting from a cash boost whilst also benefitting from advice on how to reduce the risk of breach of GDPR legislation.
On the sustainable purchasing front, BSA’s GreenBuying.co.uk is busy helping businesses of all sizes to reduce their carbon footprint through its consultancy service.
GreenBuying is a one-stop shop for all things eco-friendly, including eco office & cleaning supplies, Electric Vehicle leasing & charging units, 100% renewable energy, solar installation and many more besides.
So don’t let the current economic and environmental challenges get on top of your business – take action today.
The Forum of Private Business partner organisation, Buying Support Agency (BSA), can help increase your profits and make huge savings for your business. If you need assistance, or for information on how to become a member, please contact our helpline on 01565 626001.