Meeting Update – RICS UK leaders forum

Date: 14th Jan Venue: RICS HQ, Victoria square, London
Issue/campaign: Rent and dilapidations issues, particularly around UK pubs

1. Attendee introductions – 10 minutes

2. Summary of current RICS standards and guidance – public house valuation (CG)

3. Market overview  c.20 minutes (including questions and discussion)

4. Contemporary valuation practice (including any changes since 2009)  c.20 minutes (including questions and discussion)

5. Valuation matters specific to tied-houses  c.20 minutes (including questions and discussion)

6. Industry direction of travel – how standards can be developed and maintained to futureproof against change c.20 minutes (including questions and discussion)

7. Any Other Business  c.10 minutes (including questions and discussion)


The purpose of the meeting was to see if RICs guidelines need to be updated to give clearer guidance for surveyors, there is an opportunity for further contact and discussion with RICs